Tips to Get Your Cat in a Carrier

February 28, 2025

Use a good carrier

It is not safe to transport a cat loose in a car or in your arms to a vet – even if they are sick or are used to a harness.

Finding a cat basket which is both easy to use and sturdy is important for safe pet travel. Choose one which is durable (cardboard can easily be defeated by a cat!), opens at the top for easy lifting in and out, and is easy to clean.

Getting them into the carrier

It will be easier to get your cat into the carrier if the carrier doesn’t only come out just before a trip. Ideally, the basket should be a normal part of the house and furniture so that it smells and looks familiar. Bonus points if your cat chooses to sleep or feed in it! At the end of the day, it’s a lot less scary to be in your safe place when worrying things happen outside, than it is to be pulled out of it and put somewhere new and disturbing.

Placing your cat’s usual bedding or an article of clothing that belongs to a bonded owner into the carrier can help reassure your cat, or rubbing a soft cloth over your cat’s face and then onto the carrier to spread natural pheromones can also help to calm them.

Spraying the carrier with a synthetic pheromone, using natural calmers, or prescription calming medications are also options that can make the whole experience less worrying – talk to your vet for details.

My cat goes crazy when they see the carrier, help!

Don’t panic, this is a common problem!

If your cat is resisting transport, and you don’t have time to let them get used to the carrier, there are still ways to make it less of a fight and avoid any injury! Keep the basket close behind you so that it is within reach, but your cat cannot see it. Get a thick blanket or towel, preferably one that smells familiar to your cat, and wrap the cat quickly but gently in it. Immediately place the cat and towel into the carrier behind you and close the door. A top-opening basket makes it much easier to use this method.

Though you may feel like you’re betraying your cat’s confidence by using this technique, try to keep in mind that after this visit, you can start working on getting them used to the carrier and hopefully this won’t be necessary for next time.

Having a cat who travels calmly and easily to the vets can be a huge relief and reduce stress at what can be a worrying time. Try to remain calm even if the process is stressful and frustrating, as this will help keep your cat calm and safe as well.

Talk to your vet to find out how they can promote a positive experience on their end as well, and together, you’ll achieve the best results!