

Treating your pets like our pets.

We understand that when your dog or cat is in for surgery, it can be stressful. All of our patients receive the utmost care and attention during their big day, and we always maintain an open line of communication with their families. It is our goal to make sure they have a fast and smooth recovery from any procedure.  We offer pre-anesthetic blood screening and intravenous fluids for all procedures (optional or required depending on procedure, history, and age.)

Neuter (Castration)

It is important that all male pets be neutered early in life, typically around 6 months of age. Exceptions include large breed male dogs, which should be neutered a little older. (Ask your veterinarian about the appropriate age for neutering your pet.) Neutering, performed on male cats and dogs, involves the removal of the testicles. This prevents them from impregnating a female, decreases the risk of prostate infection and cancer, as well as eliminating the possibility of testicular cancer.

Spay (Ovariohysterectomy)

It is important that all female pets be spayed early in life. Performed on female cats and dogs, a spay involves removing both ovaries and the uterus. When performed early in life (usually around 6 months of age), spaying decreases the risk of mammary cancer and eliminates the risk of uterine infections. Additionally, it prevents them from having unwanted litters, therefore helping to control the pet population.

Rabbit neuter/spay

There are several good reasons to spay or neuter your rabbit. Studies indicate that a high percentage of fertile (un-spayed) female rabbits will get uterine and/or ovarian cancer between two and five years of age, and a very high rate of males will get testicular cancer. Spaying or neutering your rabbit will help give her or him a potential life span of eight to twelve (or more) years by eliminating these risks.

Upon reaching sexual maturity, rabbits often display undesirable behaviors such as spraying, chewing and fighting with other rabbits, as well as becoming aggressive toward people. Spaying or neutering greatly reduces and, in many cases, eliminates these behaviors. It means that they can be kept together with less risk of fighting or bullying but it also helps to reduce many behavioural problems.

Soft tissue surgeries

Our hospital offers surgical services that include a variety of common and elective procedures performed under general anesthesia.

Examples of common surgeries include: lump biopsy and removal, laceration repair, abscess and wound repair, exploratory surgery, removal of gastrointestinal foreign bodies, enucleation (eye removal), cystotomy (removal of bladder stones), and skin biopsies.

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